The Power of Time Part 2 – Would You Rather

Would you rather invest $50K to earn $1.1M or $125K to earn $570K?
Most people choose the latter.
The Power of Time Part 1 – A Dollar a Day

Most of us can afford to put aside $1/day. It doesn’t seem like much, but 40 years of saving just $1/day results in a substantial amount of money.
Your Resume Part 5 – A Counter-Example

The major struggle of the Fintelligence project is getting in front of educators and asking them to allow me to volunteer my time to speak about Career and Financial Literacy in front of students. More often then not, teachers I speak with are interested but there is very little follow up. It’s likely that having […]
Your Resume Part 4 – Things that waste space

I don’t know how “one-page rule” for resumes ever became a thing. The (conventional?) thinking seems to be that if your resume is too long, hiring managers will get bored or annoyed. In my years of hiring at our company, there has never been a correlation between the length of a resume we received and […]
Your Resume Part 3 – Outcomes Matter

If I only have 15 to 30 seconds to scan your resume to see if I want to read further, the first thing I’m going to look for is what you’ve achieved for your previous employers. In the business world, outcomes matter. Writing about your own employment history in the context of business outcomes you’ve […]
Your Resume Part 2 – SEO Your Resume

I own a small online marketing company. Our mission is to help our customers WIN in online local search. That is, we use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques to help small businesses appear higher in Google search in their local area. The first step in our process is to identify the keywords their potential customers […]
Your Resume Part 1 – Assume the Reader is Lazy

People (like me) are lazy. When we were busy running (sprinting?) our company, there were so many times when we thought “it would be great to hire someone who could take some of these functions off our plates”. Money was rarely the issue when we contemplated hiring (especially entry-level, part-time or summer help). Rather, it […]
Q&A – iShares or Vanguard, Hedged or Unhedged

Which Low-Cost Index ETF Should I Choose? I enjoyed your presentation. One thing in particular that really stood out to me were your thoughts on fund management and fees. I would like to take action on my own account, setting up a self directed RRSP containing one of the ETFs you spoke about. I’m writing […]
Q&A – Stocks or Real Estate?

Should I buy a home or invest in the stock market? If a 25 year old has about $50K saved up in the bank- what is the best framework / method to make a decision on allocating that capital? (there seem to be two main options – real estate and S&P 500 index fund). If […]
Q&A – Inefficient Markets

Do ETFs distort market efficiencies? You gave a great overview of ETFs and S&P yesterday that was really helpful. This article that I am linking talks about some inefficiencies that are being created by money flowing into ETFs and most people avoiding active investments. As per the article, this pattern is creating inefficiencies that can […]