Fintelligence Speaker Series

Fintelligence provides Career and Financial Literacy presentations to Schools, Businesses and Community organizations. We cover topics of achieving career success in a changing world and motivating the value of financial literacy. Both necessary ingredients for a wealthy life.
If you would like to arrange for one of the following Fintelligence presentations at your school, workplace, or community organization please contact us.
Your Career

Great News! Your career is not going to turn out the way you planned. Your career is not a destination, but rather a series of value-creation activities that can yield a unique, fulfilling, and profitable journey. This discussion is about planning and preparing for the “unplannable” – the twists, turns and curves the real world will inevitably bring throughout ones working life. Celebrate this!
Maintain focus on what you want, the person you want to be and, ultimately, what winning looks like!
The Power of Time

A History of Stocks & the Stock Market How much is a $1 a day for 40 years? How many cheeseburgers could you buy if you invested $1000 fifty years ago? Learn about the incredible power of time. Money can buy happiness – just not in the way that you may think. It’s not about accumulating things, but the freedom to pursue your passions. This one-hour discussion will motivate your pursuit of financial literacy. Don’t just plan to survive! Plan to thrive!
Investing Your $$

Investment Accounts, Taxes, RRSPs & TFSAs How much taxes do we pay on various types of income? We’ll learn about different tax rates for different types of income and understand the difference between your “Effective” and “Marginal” tax rates. As Canadians, we need to understand how our current and future tax rates can impact our decisions on using different investment vehicles like RRSPs and TFSAs.
Make, Save, Live!

The 9 Principles of Financial Literacy We’ll summarize the 9 principles of financial literacy including: The type of income all financially literate people strive to earn, the most powerful asset you have as an investor, the difference between risk & volatility, why most investors lose, and the #1 trait of successful investors. This one-hour presentation is suitable for University, College and Senior-level high school students as a summary of the first three modules.